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  • animaartz

  • CNPJ:  41,129,034/0001-68

  • Contact information:

  • Estimated date of delivery of products (delivery policy) or estimated date of provision of services

  • Exchange, return/cancellation and refund policies


  •   Delivery policy - specify the minimum and maximum time that delivery may take, from the moment of order confirmation.


  • Exchange Policy - Please advise if exchange is possible. If so, indicate: the deadline that the customer has to request the exchange of the product, what conditions the product needs to be in, what type of exchange is allowed (ex: if the customer can only exchange for a product that is the same or with the same same amount), who pays for the return shipping of the product, what is the deadline for sending the new product, etc.


  • Return Policy - Please advise if return is possible. If so, indicate: the deadline that the customer has to request the return of the product, which situations the customer can request the return, what conditions the product needs to be in, who pays the freight to return the product, which the timeframe for processing the refund, etc.Refund Policy - Please state whether a refund is possible. If so, indicate: the deadline that the customer has to request it, which situations the customer can request it, what conditions the product needs to be in, who pays for the return shipping of the product, what is the deadline for refund processing, etc.


  • Contact details - indicate which email or phone number the customer should contact to initiate an exchange, return or refund.Payment methods available on the website - inform the customer which payment methods you accept on your website (eg Credit, Boleto and Pix).If you are selling services, see the tips below:Service provision - indicate how the customer will have access to the service.Exchange policy - inform if the exchange for another service is possible.


  • If so, inform: what type of exchange is possible (eg for a service of equal value) and what is the deadline for the customer to request the exchange. Cancellation policy - inform if the service can be canceled. If so, indicate: what is the deadline for the customer to request it, what amount of the amount paid will be refunded, and what is the deadline for processing the refund. Refund Policy - Please advise if refund is possible. If so, indicate: the deadline that the customer has to request it and the deadline for processing the refund.Contact details - indicate which email or phone number the customer should contact to initiate an exchange, return or refund. available on the site - inform the customer which payment methods you accept on your site (eg Credit Card, Boleto and Pix).


To make an appointment, it is necessary to consult the available date and make a partial advance transfer of 50% of the total value of the order to the account indicated below.


Proof must be sent by WhatsApp 81 99255‑1286

The difference can be paid after delivery of the invitation.  


PIX key (CNPJ)

Marion Matias Melo



Upon receiving your final product on the scheduled date, please make sure that it does not have any errors or adjustments to be made.  


We offer a period of 7 days for verification. If there is an adjustment such as changes in date, address, artwork or animation after this period, an adjustment fee will be charged.

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